Management Services

A Full Service Management Company

We at Complete Landlord Solutions are dedicated to providing the highest quality professional management services. Our goal is to create and maintain the financial success of your property, while freeing you from the day-to-day management task.

More Than Just Collecting Rent

From maintenance, marketing, tenant selection, bill paying, and monthly accounting, we handle the day to-day operation of your properties, relieving you of the anxieties and stress of managing property. Through our expert management services, we maximize the return on your investment, and ensure all the details are handled.


Responsive and Personal Service

When you choose Complete Landlord Solutions to manage your property, not only can you count on competent and professional service, but also on personalized attention.

Management Services

Our full service management is a comprehensive service, starting from the leasing and screening of tenants to financial record keeping and bill paying. We make owning your property simple and only require you to read your monthly statement and receive your monthly check.


Complete Landlord Solutions provides you with:


Rental Analysis
Tenant Screening
Professional Rental Sign
On-Line Advertising
Showing of the Property
Contract Preparation & Execution
Move-in Coordination
Handling of All Day-to-Day Operations
Repairs & Maintenance Estimates
Owner Accounting
Monthly Owner Statements
Estimates for Major Repairs
Prompt Communication
& More

Real Estate Investments

The majority of the world's wealthiest entrepreneurs credit the growth of their wealth to real estate assets. Commercial and Residential properties are tangible assets that yield cash flow and appreciation over time. Our business strategy focuses on building a substantial real estate portfolio of income producing properties along with capitalizing on the acquisition of distressed residential assets and fractured developments. We see each component that we have in place an integral part to generate long-term wealth for all of our private investors. We partner and/or joint venture with our qualified investor clients in real estate projects that might be too large to handle alone, but become possible when working together. By providing the expertise in identifying, negotiating and managing the investments, we provide our private investors with an integral part of the "Make Your Money Work For You" philosophy.



Rental Application

Interested in one of our properties?

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